
Updated: 03/02/2006


MWNewsletter is a simple, easy to use mailing list/newsletter management system, allowing you the opportunity to let your users sign up and receive updates and information about your site, your thoughts, or anything you like! With an easy to handle template system (using header, footer and css files), MWNewsletter only needs a few variables to get you up and running. With features such as the option to verify email address upon subscribing/unsubscribing and welcome/goodbye emails, manually adding subscribers, sending emails straight away or saving them for later, archive list of sent emails, the list goes on, what more could you ask for? At the moment there is only the opportunity to have one newsletter running at a time with the script, but plans are underway for a version that allows you to run several different newsletters from the one place! This is a plain text sending version, but it is also planned to allow for html emails in future releases.