
Updated: 04/05/2007

CW3 PHP Form Mail Script

Our New Version Now Blocks Bot Spam!! Our script blocks email Hijacking and Bot Spam without distorting the message and maintaining a user friendly form. Made easier to setup - You only need copy the files to a directory of your choice. Supports a simple form which is provided. You can add you own header and footer to allow it to blend in with your website. A return Page lets the person know the email was sent or a warning is presented with their IP address shown that abuse is not tolerated. This script checks the referrer and input as to reduce user mistakes and it identifies attempts to try to abuse your email account by spammers. You can even set it to email you abuse attempts if you wish. It now also generates a random code that is checked to block Bot Spam. This can be set as a Graphic that a user must type in to verify the code or just pass on the code without the Graphic Requires PHP with GD and FreeType for use of Graphic. Supports Windows and Linux