
Updated: 11/11/2005

Vector2D AS2 Class

[[[Summary]]] Vector2D is an AS2 class that allows for 2 dimensional (x, y) vector math to be done in Flash. Extremely useful for any physics related Flash endeavor. [[[Variables]]] * X, Y - Components of the vector [[[Methods]]] * Clone() - Creates a new vector with the same values * Dot() - Finds the dot product between the vector and another vector * Length() - Gets the length of the vector * ProjectAlong() - Projects the vector along another vector * Normalize() - Normalizes the vector to a certain scale * GetUnitVector() - Gets the normalized form of the vector * Add(), Subtract(), Multiply(), Divide() - Operations on the vector and another vector * AddValue(), SubtractValue(), MultiplyValue(), DivideValue() - Operations on the vector and a value * Equal(), NotEqual(), Greater(), Less(), GreaterOrEqual(), LessOrEqual() - Boolean operations on the vector and another vector * ApproxEqual() - Boolean operation with tolerance on the vector and another
  • Categories
  • Platforms
    • Windows,
    • Mac OSX
  • Licenses
    • GPL
  • Author
    • Matt Lentz