
Updated: 03/16/2008


Show a Popup Calendar, Disable Holidays and Weekends Selection, Move the Calendar (IE Only), Use fade Effects (IE and Mozilla Compatible Browsers), Draw a Shadow, Keep Over the Select Options and Applets, Select using ranges of days (Specific Date, Today or Another TextBox Field), Use the Culture for support the calendar language, Support Right-to-Left Document for next cultures: Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Hebrew and Syriac. Use differents formats like (dd-mm-yyyy, yyyy.mmmm.dd, mmm/dd/yyyy, etc.), Validate dates using the keyboard, Examples in (VB.Net and C#), Run in (Opera 7.21+, Netscapte 7+, Mozilla 1.4+, Mozilla FirexFox And IE5.5+), Show Custom ToolTip Over the Calendar Image, Use CSS to change the appearance of the Calendar, Include Required Date, Run using SmartNavigation, Implementing IntelliSense Support (HTML), Compatible with the .NET Validators and More...