
Updated: 07/13/2007

Pay Banner Advertisement PHP

Included every thing you need to get your sell banner impressions on your site. - Just type in the banner url && site url- thats it! *can be 468x60 or 150x150... you set the limit ?x?. - One simple php code to include banner advertising onto the site! - Accepts PayPal, E-Gold, AlertPay, AsianPay, and SolidTrustPay! - Either sell $$ per impressions or unlimited yearly impressions. - Comes with the installer- filling out the mysql data info, domain url, admin user, etc. - You will need one MYSQL Database. Current Version: v0.3 **For customers who purchased the older version, please contact me for a new updated script. *Payment Gateways + Modifications - June 25th, 2007. Added AsianPay and SolidTrustPay. Modified the script to works without register_globals (you don''t need it anymore ON/OFF. Doesn''t matter. *Design for admin area updated - Jan 10th, 2007. Pay Banner Ad script has been updated. Only updated was the new design for admi