
Updated: 06/28/2005

Open-source project for a universal CMS

New version of FAR-PHP (ver. 1.0) - easy to install; - easy to add new modules; - more secure; - more stable. Check the download pages for more... Open-source project to create a CMS for a universal site, FAR-PHP is the perfect content management solution. No technical knowledge required. Easily build and update your site using only a web browser. Log in, type in your new article, click save and the article is instantly online. A very powerful content management system with an exquisite skin engine that provides users with unique and fine looking skins! FAR-PHP supports html and Java scripting. Maintain your own site in a secure, fast, web based environment. No HTML or FTP Skills required. And most of all, it is Open Source you may use for FREE for personal use! Join us now to improve it for the benefit of all!