
Updated: 04/05/2005

SmartPPC Pro Premier Listings Plug-In

Premier Listings Plug-In it s new advertiser s program that allow advertiser to add listings for a certain period of time. Admin configures price and a period when listing will be shown. When Premier Listing is added, advertiser should enter a keyword. If this keyword is searched, just non-expired listings will show up (period can be configured by Admin). Period will start after Premier Listings were added. The unique feature of that kind of listing is that advertiser pays once during campaign, and it can be clicked unlimited times without advertiser s balance being decreased. Those listings, as well as regular listings can be added in directories and countries specified where those Premier Listings will be shown. Detailed statistics on clicks is available for Advertiser. Affiliates do not earn anything from clicking on Premier Listings.Premier Listings Plug-In is fully compatible with SmartPPC Pro search engine and can be added at any time.