
Updated: 04/29/2005


EasyOnlineAds is independent php/mysql application for incraseing your earnings by providing a cool way to automatically dysplay unlimited number of Ads using Google AdSense Program. Visitors simply chose Ads from different menu items and see all relevant Ads available. They are linked to your Google AdSence account and credits are given to you for all impressions and click-throughs helping you geting great returns for your investment. Every time visitore reload the page EasyOnlineAds shows other Ads. EasyOnlineAds is a higly customizable full featured Ads management tool. You do not need knowledge of html, php or whether you need to develop websites. It has an easy to use administration interface where you can Create/Edit/Move all Ads categories and Ads entries. You can create/manage many user accounts. Each user can introduce/modify Ads topics. Features: design/content separation, web admin, user-customizable theme management, SiteConfig manager, admin AdsEdit manager/Search engine,/Left/Right blocks. Self-install script.