
Updated: 12/13/2004

Alog - Traffic Statistics Per Page

The Alog - Traffic Statistics Per Page is a robust, reliable analytics tool which excels in the quantity, quality and clarity of the reports it provides. You can view intelligence from real-time or historical data for any single visitor, or all visitors as a group, any web page, or all web pages, and for any single referrer, or all referrers as a group. You can also view the differences between first-time visitors, repeat visitors, and paying customers. Authored by our own Mandingo this is an exquisite hand-chosen luxury software, a ''must-have'', with easy installation. Generate traffic reports, fast, quick and in a hurry. Aruntx Publishing Company is certain that you will enjoy many hours of use with this multi-platform application designed to be used on popular web servers. This application is designed for webmasters who require a robust, reliable analytics tool which excels in the quantity, quality and clarity of the reports it provides. The initial investment of Alog - Traffic Log Statistics Per Page, can be an accumulated asset which can be recovered in the labor hours of monitoring reports and translating data interpretation from traditional raw logs or rudimentary reports which provide little detail of a specific page visit. Our standard delivery of this item as a member of the Aruntx Online Download On Demand Premium Server Software, is same day.