
Updated: 04/23/2007

FormXP 2007, 5 in 1: Formmail + Survey + Poll + Tell-A-Friend + Mass Mailer

FormXP 2007 is a 5 in 1 Ajax application which includes 1:Formmail Builder, 2:Survey Builder, 3:Poll Builder, 4:Tell-A-Friend, 5:Mass Mailer. We used Ajax technology to make FormXP works like a standalone desktop application than a typical web page. The look of your Formmail, Survey, Poll and Tell-A-Friend is easy to customize via CSS HTML template. SPECIAL FEATURES: It enables administrators to detect user s country, city, region, based on the IP address, option to display CAPTCHA security image code to prevent spam automated submissions. SAVE TIME and MONEY with FormXP 2007 - 5 in 1 today. System requirements: PHP 4.x or higher and MySQL 3.x or higher.