
Updated: 04/28/2005

Send to a Friend

This Tell a Friend script will allow visitors to your site to send an email to their friends recommending it. It is extremely easy to set-up and use requiring no database or complex configuration and you can have it working in just a few minutes. You can use it to let people recommend your site or even a single news item - it''s up to you. It is also highly configurable, you can change just about everything there is to change including the labels and text used so it will match your site perfectly. It also has many inbuilt features, full cross browser support and works on virtually any PHP server. Some of the features are the ability to configure the script just how you want, full error checking for valid email addresses and completed forms and IP address checking to help prevent abuse. The functionality of this script is the same, and in some cases better, than those we have seen on sale for $40 or more and this script is free! Supports multiple languages.