
Updated: 05/05/2004

Conversion Master

Sit back and collect a fat paycheck from this online setup program. sets up Conversion Based affiliate accounts automatically (hands free). Payment for new account setup is done through PayPal and deals with refferring agents and setup page cannot be viewed by anyone other than those redirected from PayPal after payment is completed. Once new account is setup, new account holders can set the conversion 1:1000 (if you think your surfers can send that many hits), Set a firm price as to what to pay your affiliates once they reach the quota, Set the URL (where your subscription site is located) for all refferring hits from affiliates go, and Set the redirect if your refferer is not in your affiliate database or does not exist. Affiliates that join your affiliate program can view their stats and how many more hits it will take to make it convert. Useradmin shows grandtotal payments sent to them.