
Updated: 01/05/2006

Shopping Cart Manager for Web Designers

The Code4Design Shopping Manager 2.0 offers all the features and tools to catalog, price, and process payments for online products with two great advantages: unlimited creativity for the designer, and unparalleled ease of use for the site owner. The software integrates seamlessly with the CMS and the EMAIL MARKETER with the same principle of placing the Designer s role as distinct from the Site Owner. For the Designer: The system provides step-by-step guidance in integrating html templates created in the Designer''s authoring tool of choice (e.g. Dreamweaver, GoLive, or any html editor), in order to generate a product catalog that is truly dynamic (editable by the client and stored in the content database). For the Site Owner: The system provides easy visual methods of locating and editing appropriate products, or adding new products based on the designer''s templates.