
Updated: 12/22/1999

PowerStat 2

PowerStat 2 is a statistic software and access counter in one product for the use with Windows NT Web Servers. PowerStat 2 saves detailed information of your Web page visitors and is able to present these information and resulting values in any way you want. The software saves information about: number of visitors today, the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days and 365 days; average visitors of the last 7, 30 and 365 days; top number of visitors in the last 30 and 365 days, including the date the last 500 visitors with date/time, country, browser, remote host, remote address and referer link; the referer links; per cent list of the countries; per cent list of the used browsers; per cent list of the used remote domains; and per cent list of the used remote addresses. The stored data can be shown graphically as charts where you can choose the number of days and the accuracy (days and hours). PowerStat 2 is available in 3 different versions: freeware, light ($69), and unlimited ($139).