
Updated: 04/20/2004

ShapeShifter DSP

ShapeShifter Dynamic Skin Processor v1.0 An amazing new software technology that converts the static architecture of the Ensim WEBppliance and Ensim Pro control panel into a dynamic, multi-skinned, user configurable control panel interface. ShapeShifter DSP replaces the entire four user level static control panel architecture with our new dynamic skin processor software technology, thus allowing the server administrator and all levels of their clients the ability to select from one of (8) eight visually captivating skins as well as adjust font sizes for optimal viewing. ShapeShifter DSP is programmed to accept additional source code and/or hyperlinks, allowing the administrator to easily customize the contents of the control panel. The administrator also has the ability to define which skins are available for usage. ShapeShifter DSP enables the integration of all aspects of your business into each level of the control panel.