
Updated: 01/29/2004

Kingherc''s ASP.NET Toolkit

Image Editor: Allow users to create nice images (.jpg or .gif) through a wizard, that can be easily retrieved. Displayor: Show and hide content. Photos/File Dir: Somewhat of an explorer for a given path. Poll: A usual poll with advanced capabilities (such as no multiple votes). Depends on a database. Also included a page for giving users the opportunity to have their own poll to manage. Title: A control to comfort you with the site design (shows titles, only 1 style now). News && Organizer: Controls to show up news and a organizer that retrieves them from text files. Also included a page for news archives. Holmok Image Handler: Dynamic thumbnail generation. Dynamic image resizing. Watermarking you images. Securing your images against external referrers. Securing your images against no referrers. Mini tools: Mini tools that help you overcome usual problems and situations. Include ThumbnailCreator and NumRenam (enumerate files). You can modify the source code and you can provide me with a better version of the controls to be included in future versions. In addition, if you think that a control of yours is useful enough to be included in this toolkit, send it to my e-mail, you''re most welcome! The controls are lively refreshed and the toolkit is getting larger and larger. A guide is also included in html format that explains all about the controls and has examples. The controls are in .vb and .dll files.