
Updated: 07/03/2007

DF TopList Professional

Professional ranking system (toplist script): reset/no reset mode, count Hits In after Out Hits, &"freezing&" account in toplist, categories, mailbox, search, random redirection from a selected sites amount and much more. Modules: multiregistration of members, accounts multiadministaration, toplists multiadministaration, members sites monitoring. Multilevel anti-cheat protection. Automatic blocking of cheaters or IN-Hits decreasing of members depending on quality of the traffic and cheat attempts. Traffic filtration system (toplist has a proxy filter, possibility of counting only unique hits, possibility not to count hits In without Referrer URL variable, possibility not to count Hits In of SE bots) which gives you a possibility to sieve low-quality traffic. Any kind of graphical statistics: traffic (Raw/Uniq/In/Out/Click/ Proxy), referrer, by countries (GeoIP) and detailed cheat statistics. Low system requirements: NOT used MySQL, Perl, PHP, cron. Free download version.