
Updated: 11/29/2005

cattaDoc integrated document management (IDM)

With cattaDoc you get a web-based, integrated document management package which can help you to quickly find your documents, to keep track of your document relations to projects as well as customers, suppliers and partners, to manage your document processes - your business processes concerning documents - through version control, check-out/check-in, reviews, event history etc., and to reuse your documents and the knowledge in them. Advanced security in cattaDoc means that each object has an Access Control List (ACL) specifying permissions for that particular object. cattaDoc is available in English and in Danish - and is prepared for translation into other languages as well. New in version 2.2: a new contact class where you can record meetings, telephone conversations etc. without creating a proper document + Introduction of many-to-many relations between companies / contact persons on the one hand and documents on the other hand + Improved and uniform handling of master data + more!