
Updated: 10/13/2003

EGOT - E-Gold Online Tool Kit

This online Tool Kit is a PHP-written script which uses the CURL library program to fetch data from the E-Gold.Com web-site. The Tool Kit automatically takes data from the E-gold web-site, parses it and then forms a nicely designed page on your server. The page includes all the most important information such as Scheduled Downtime, Fees, e-metal Balance Sheet, Current e-gold Exchange Rates, Publicly Viewable Current Balances, Fees Calculator && more. By using the Tool Kit no time is wasted browsing the web, you already have all the important info nicely collected for you in just one page. The Tool Kit is very useful for visitors to your web site who are directly involved with e-gold exchange services or have an e-gold related web-site. The program was created so that you do not need to update the page manually. All updates which occur on the web site are displayed automatically through your Tool Kit page. This is a big time saver. This script may also be used in marketing your services and bringing more visitors to your web. It is very simple all you do is give them the ability to place the code on their web for a button linked to your Tool Kit page (this function is already installed in our current version).