
Updated: 12/21/2005

BiTLOG Realtime Webstatistics

Detailed analysys of visitors, through cookies and/or time constraints. Registers referers, visited pages, first-/last visit, country of origine. Robots are detected and registered with the pages they visited. Total country resolution via separate downloadable database (+/-372 kB).(no com/net/org unsolved) File with country flags (77 kB). Robots Daily/weekly/month/year statistics and graphs. Most visited pages, ip ranks. Countries in array. Less SQL intensive by added indexes. An excellent way to see who came from where and where they went and know how many times they returned. Usersonline and pageviews (for page)+ display of last online users,for inclusion into php pages. Further insite into the cookies of users added. Increased speed of display through optimization. Added new robots for detection. Admin section has been overhauled, and country table can be uploaded as .gz ! Tracking of external url''s(if someone clicks a link to an external page) Improved version 1.52