
Updated: 09/22/2003


SHOPMASTER is the SITEMASTER shopping cart! It is made to be easy integrated in the website of any SITEMASTER client. It could be installed on your server also - please read bellow. This Shopping Cart goes free with any SITEMASTER account. This Shopping Cart is fully functional with no limits for number of categories and sub-levels of categories for products and number of products as well. It is made INTUITIVE to use - after few click in the DEMO you should know how it works- add category or two, products, options for products , make a purchase, manage orders, or manage e-mails to see that SHOPMASTER posseses the word INTUITIVE. However if you have ANY question , please feel free to ask it HERE or send us E-mail at You will recieve answer in 24 hours time. This shopping cart is set to use as credit card processor. The payment happens from a page which uses your shop Header and Footer so the buyer do not see any changes After successfull card charging to buyer is brought back to your thank you page. To accept cc payments you should register your own account at &>&>&> &<&<&< We strongly recommned them because they are very reliable, flexible , they charge only one time $49 Setup Fee ,$0.45 per ,Transaction 5.5% of Transaction Amount. They simply make life easier! ...