
Updated: 09/09/2004


Using DynamicMS 1.0, you can generate Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint reports to represent your data from a database. All you have to do is send a query name to this tag with formatting options on how you want your data to be laid out, and you will see your generated file in the format you asked for. Then, your file will be embedded into your browser which will give you the opportunity to save the file to your server or just leave it on the browser.&<br&>&<br&> We have 6 examples per category (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) on our web site. Visit our web site to see them yourself (<br&>&<br&> &<b&>The new version handles adding paragraphs, images, html code, and the option to save the file on the server instead of embedding it in the browser.&</b&>