
Updated: 04/11/2007

Secure, Easy to use remote form processing

If your Looking to Switch, Signup, or just process any kind of form, look no further, because has the ability to let you hook up any form to our gatewat and process them, all you need to do is change the top post action URL code, its that simple, all 100% FREE!! If your Looking for a little bit more, how about auto reponders, E-mail address, Upload your forms and use our SSL security to process secure information, and of course an e-mail address is created for you when you get a PRO forms account at only $2.50 p/m with a 7 day trial, what ever the reason, what ever the need can help you process your forms, FREE OR PRO, visit us today and join us, and don''t worry about changing your old forms, you just need to change a few lines at the top, and thats it...
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