
Updated: 09/06/2004

BannerPlus Pro

BannerPlus Pro incorporates all of the features of the freeware version plus many additional features. Automatic email to new, existing and dormant members, Automatic email to exchange administrator when new member signs up, Extra credits show in stats as well as earned credits, Zoned banners, Optional deletion of all dormant members, Optional Link Exchange style mini banner to the left of member banners, Multiple date formats, Separate stats and member update functions, Optional personal data collection, Banner uploads with size checking, Optionally force all banners to be the same size, Totals displayed in admin All Members function, Function to display the most popular (top 10) banners by click-through percentage, Separate function to display HTML which should appear on member sites, Allows multiple banners on a single page, Forgotten password reminder facility and more.