- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- Cursor Tracker is a small piece of javascript code which you insert into the bottom of your webpage, once a visitor views the page it tracks their cursor position and seamlessly relays this information to your server.
The .zip file also includes th...
- Emprise JavaScript Charts (EJSChart) is a pure JavaScript charting library which utilizes the &<canvas&> element and VML to provide cross-browser compatible, interactive Web 2.0 charts.
EJSChart takes web charting to a new level b...
FusionCharts lets you create animated, interactive and data-driven Flash charts && graphs for your JavaScript applications. Using FusionCharts, you can generate dynamic charts and graphs on client-side, without the need for any server side sc...
- The script generates a diagram (chart) view of the data in the webpage table.
Enhanced in the version 1.2: the diagram flips to get the optimal position on the page.
In the newest version 1.3, the script has been rewritten in prototype-oriented style.
- Sparklines are intense, simple word-sized graphics, developed by Edward Tufte. This site provides a way to create sparklines in Adobe Photoshop.
- XYGraph was created to generate intelligent plots of output data without the need for extensive user input. Take a look at the demo page to see just how useful and proffesional the results are. The script generates an XY Graph using Vector Markup Lan...
- Picking colors has never been easier: The Color Picker form control provides your users with a clickable, dropdown color swatch for color selection. Your users only need a mouse and a sense of color coordination to use this control. As a result, non-...
- This small scripts checks the graphical configuration of the PC, which visits the website. Using variables, you can define, which is the base-resolution. The file consists of three language-versions (german, english and italian).
- This utility program displays a 4,096 color spectrum in a 3 dimensional pallet. The pallet is a larger cube made up of smaller cubes arranged in 16 layers of 16 rows of 16 cubes. The controls allow the user to change the angle of view, the layer dept...
- SD-Graph is a sophisticated bar graphing system that allows you to create and display colorful bar charts with detailed statistics.