Tags → Javascript Code


access2asp is a conversion tool for access databases that converts your db to clean, commented pro asp / code. It produces a ''front end'' and an ''admin'' section with ability to view,search,add, edit and delete. Also prod...

Advanced Menu Bar

Advanced Menu Bar is a Java applet that allows you to make a professional menu for your site. Menus can pop up over HTML content, frames and even go over the browser window. The Advanced Menu Bar can even execute javascript functions. Features: Unlim...

Correct Redirect

If you have ever used a redirecting service, you know that the redirect, regardless of the typed in URL, always goes to the hardcoded URL, unless you yourself handle the redirecting. Especially when the redirection is done in a frame. Any attempt t...

PanelBar Studio

Create a DHTML Outlook-style navigation bar for any website using a visual development environment. The live Preview window shows each change instantly. When compiled, the javascript source code is separated into individual browser compatible files s...

DS SinusScroll Script

This JavaScript allows you to scroll any text with a sinus path. Includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming.

Altavista Search Engine In Your Links Bar

This is a JavaScript code snippet to send a query to AltaVista Web site. You can drag the link onto the Links bar of the browser, and use it as a quick search link bar. By modifying the value of location.href and the other querystrings, this can be e...

SearchBliss Form with Validation Generator

This is a Web-based wizard that generates a JavaScript form validation code with textfields and a text area. Type the text that will appear next to each textfield, the textfield names, and choose the textfields width and max number of characters. You...

DS Fade Script

This is a JavaScript to display a fade effect between any images. It includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming.

SmartWebby''s Guide to Simple Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

This javascript scripts guide is especially for those who are trying their best to learn DHTML by dissecting code written by others and for people who don''t know much about programming but are interested in making their web sites look Dynamic w...

DS FireWorks Script

This is a JavaScript to display a fireworks effect on the background of your Web page. It includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming.
