Tags → Menu With Php

Document Management System

Manage any content, data or information securely with the Document Management System. Its easy and intuitive menu structure lets you update/download any file, any size and share it with other user or groups. You can setup permissions for each file or...


Get a simple, content-managed website up quickly! EasySite includes many tools to add, edit, and remove web pages, upload images to a gallery, and change the template of your site. Pages can be divided into 2 levels using a built-in DHTML menu system...

Merlin Web Application Framework

&"Merlin Web Application Framework&" is a framework for stateful web-based events driven applications written in php. &"Merlin Web Application Framework&" uses PEAR for the data layer and SMARTY template engine for...

DaDaBIK for PHP-Nuke Vers. 7.1

DaDaBIK Database Interface Module for PHP-Nuke (from version 6.5 onwards, tested on PHP-Nuke 6.x - 7.3) with additional functions such as user authentication and e-mail notification. DaDaBIK is a free PHP application that allows you to easily c...


PHPNews is an easy to use news interface for your Homepage, written in Php and MySQL. It includes full language support and allows you to customize it very easily. It gives you the ability to include and manage news output for your new page on a user...


YellowPHP is a sophisticated directory yellowpage addon for PostNuke. It categorizes information and subcatgorizes name and address information with weblink and detailed text or extra page in both text and html. YellowPHP is an extended developement ...


MyPHPsite is a browser based, php driven, mysql backed site management package. It includes a browser based install script, member registration and feedback forms. MyPHPsite generates a configurable, extensible page layout and populates it with data ...

PHP Layers Menu

PHP Layers Menu is a hierarchical dynamic menu system to rapidly choose among the items. It works with both PHP3 and PHP4. It achieves a compact view and a reasonably small file size for the page with a very large number of entries. Its behav...


Albert allows the admin to set up users who can post columns. It generates the column, a menu of current users and a menu of past columns by any given user. Easy to install with a setup script and no php knowlege is required. Each user can only post ...

Apache Toolbox

Apache Toolbox provides a means to easily compile Apache with SSL, PHP (v4 or v3) imap+mcrypt+mhash+postgres+mysql+xml+ldap, MySQL, ZendOptimizer, mod_auth_nds, mod_dynvhost, WebDAV, mod_fastcgi, mod_gzip, mod_layout, mod_throttle, mod_accessref, mod...
