Tags → Php Classes

Understanding Object Orientated PHP (oo PHP)

This tutorial is for all those people who know the basics of PHP, but want to take it to the next level. Object Orientated PHP is the interaction between different functions, classes and variables. Once you master the basic in this tutorial, you will...

Writing Libraries in PHP New

This tutorial is intended for PHP programmers who are interested in writing reusable code. Experience with PHP4 and familiarity with writing classes are assumed. The article is primarily geared toward programmers who are new to writing code libraries...

PHP calendar with AJAX driven agenda

This AJAX driven PHP calendar is made of three parts: the calendar (basic PHP), two OOP Classes (one for the handling of agenda data, one for the handling of the complex agenda form) and the script for the AJAX requests and form validation. Design an...

NuSphere NuSoap class

NuSOAP is a rewrite of SOAPx4, provided by NuSphere and Dietrich Ayala. It is a set of PHP classes - no PHP extensions required - that allow developers to create and consume web services based on SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1 and HTTP 1.0/1.1. NuSOAP PHP Web Se...

Jerrata Backbone Catalyst Classes

Complete your PHP applications with the following PHP classes and methods, engineered to Make Coding Easier. Catalyst Classes are: Convenience, JSL_ErrorChain, JSL_ErrorChainLink, JSL_Exception, JSL_Factory, JSL_Information_Flow, Ask, InformationAut...

PHP Excel 2007

Project providing classes for the PHP programming language, to allow to write to Excel 2007 files. Checkout the Features this class set provides, such as setting spreadsheet meta data (author, title, description, ...), multiple worksheets, differen...


The PHP Export API provides an easy way for developers to create SIOC exporters, as it maps SIOC Classes to PHP objects, with simple functions to export the created data. When using the API for you exporters, you won''t have to deal with S...

How to Bridge PHP and Java for Powerful Web Solutions

Here''s how to team up two of the most popular and powerful platforms for web development together. With the php-java bridge you can build classes and jar files in Java and call them and use their methods in PHP. Use the quick and easy PHP langu...

Easy Grid

This package can be used to display and data grids using AJAX. It uses Yahoo User interface library Javascript classes to perform AJAX requests. A Javascript script calls Yahoo UI libraries to load the data for the table from the server. ...

Advanced Website Creator

A web development environment that allows you to: - Build easily robust applications using an MVC framework and a MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite database backend. - Do all your application development inside Advanced Website Creator. No more editing arc...
