Tags → Sample Script

Lookup Country, Region, State and City by IP Address

IP2Location is geolocation service provider that translates IP address to country, region and city. The free script allows you to lookup the country, region and city of the user by using his/her IP address. It can be used in projects such as: &...

Date Format Validator

This script validates the date that the user inputs for the following sample format: 23 Feb 1983


ENotify notification software is a simple and affordable script that allows your site visitors to tell a friend or colleague about your site through a simple online form. Optional notification on script use and a sample popup form also included.

B2 File Uploader

B2 File Uploader is an add-on for B2, the popular Blogger by Michael V. This script will upload your files (including images) from within B2 and then add the IMG SRC tags to your post automatically. This file is no longer needed because it has been i...

PHP for the World Wide Web Visual Quickstart Guide

Written for beginners in PHP, this visual, task-based guide gets users up and running with the basics of PHP, starting with basic syntax, testing scripts, working with variables, creating Web applications, and more. Throughout the book, sample script...
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    • Freeware

Database Paged Search

This is a sample code that combines a Database Paging and a Database Search script into one. It shows you how to perform a wilcard search on a database table and then page through the results.

Make This Your Start Page JavaScript Kit

This really simple paste-it-in script allows you to quickly add a ''Make This Page Your Start Page'' dialog to IE5+ browsers. It provides an easy way to add a link that pops a dialog box, allowing the site visitor to make your page their br...

Billow Promote

Billow Promote is an URL submission script written in Perl. It allows you to register your Web site with search engines by filling out a simple form. It also sends a report back to you telling whether the registration was successful or not. It uses s...

So, You Want A Guestbook CGI, Huh?

This online tutorial guids through the steps to place a guestbook CGI onto your system. This tutorial deals with UNIX servers and UNIX commands for configuration, and assumes that you are able to Telnet into the system, Create directories, and Change...

NCSA Imagemap Tutorial

This document is a step-by-step tutorial for designing and serving graphical maps of information resources with either the external imagemap CGI script or with the built in imagemap support in NCSA HTTPd 1.5. Through such a map, users can be provide...
