
Updated: 06/02/2008

Inout Search Engine

Pre-loaded with 13 popular searches - Web, Images, Audio, Video, News, Sport, Open Directory with directory links, Dictionary/Reference, Wiki, Blogs, Forums, Kids and Amazon with affiliate id s #All searches easily managed in admin - edit, enable/disable, re-order #Tabbed searching #One step method to easily create new engines with automatic tab creation #Create Niche/Specialist/Co-op engines based on specific themes or websites, #Easily create TLD specific engines, eg just .au results #Language options #Template driven allowing easy full control && customization of pages #CSS style control #Click revenue built in - Monetized with pre-loaded GoogleAds && RevenuePILOT links #Easily add any other ads/content #Fast efficient query algorithm #Search Engine Friendly Static URLs option #Thumbshots, Quick Look preview, Family Filter && Related Search options #Fully featured easy use admin panel #Search statistics #Quick tutorial #FREE install, support && updates #Online Demo ..