
Updated: 09/21/2006

HotWeb Rentals Holiday Property CMS

A &"for rent by owner&" site, particularly suited to holiday rental properties. Provides property owners the ability to list their rentals, along with up to 6 images. The site administrator must approve new listings before the property is shown &"live&" on the site. Member registration involves activation via email and once a property is approved by the administrator, owners can log-in and update their own listings at any time. Property enquiries go directly to the owner s email address. Dynamic pages can be created to suit your individual needs (an unlimited number of information pages can be added), using a WYSIWYG editor interface. All property thumbnails are automatically generated when images are uploaded (no need to fuss about re-sizing images). The RSS feed automatically lists current properties and advertising such as Google AdSense can easily be added. Made in Dreamweaver (using DW Templates) and uses a Microsoft Access database.