
Updated: 06/28/2006

PHPclassifieds General

The classifieds website allows visitors to search and post classified ads. The ads are detailed with descriptions, photos, business information and contact forms. You can even charge for rotating banners throughout the site! You set the price, you keep all the cash! People can list their ads for a fee which YOU determine in the admin control panel. After someone has registered, they are able to select and buy an ads package depending on the exposure they would like and for the length of time they would like to be listed. Payment is fully automated via PayPal or Stormpay and registration is fully automated. Your customer will receive an email - 10 days before their account will expire, 5 days, and 1 day reminding them to renew their ads! (Recurring revenue) 24 hours after their account expiration date, their listing and their account will be deleted automatically. The whole site is setup to be an automatic money machine. Detailed statistics are provided for each ad etc...