
Updated: 11/19/2006

20/20 Applications Pure-ASP Upload (Free)

Include this file in your own ASP pages to build an upload interface. This script features a VBScript class written with pure ASP to produce a fast object with many conveniences. This utility handles large files fast and no 3rd-party components are required. Our pure-ASP upload object contains improvements over similar utilities such as a an option to prevent malicious file types, improved support for multi-lingual environments, superior multi-byte-string to binary conversion (using ADO rather than VBScript''s multi-byte functions), superior methods to stream data to disk (using ADO rather than VBScript''s FileSystemObject). There are many properties and methods enabling you to interact with the data: you can change file names on the fly, check file size, test if a filename or folder exists, or alter the destination path on the fly. Handle multiple files and multiple form elements easily. Full source code, HTML and ASP examples and complete documentation is included - and it''s all free!