
Updated: 08/28/2005

SOOP Portal

Have you ever wanted to set up your own online community but are not sure how too? Then Soop Portal is the answer to your needs. A complete portal system that is so easy to set up you could have people joining and posting online in no time at all. The best thing about Soop Portal though is the support, we have what can only be described as one of the best online support communities around. Runner up in Future Net Publishing Awards 2004 for Best Online Tool . Features: Forums, MSSQL or Access database, Skin Selector, Private Messaging (PM), Guestbook, Site News, Site Polls, Display Configuration, File Manager, Banner System, Pages Creator, Theme Editor, RSS feeds, Site Stats, Site Calendar, Welcome Message, Advertisement Box, Buddy List, Online Users, Subscription Manager, Latest Forum Posts, Group Manager, Mass Email Members, Ban Configuration, Language Filter, Suspend Registration.