Tags → Javascript If

Jump Box

Allows users to navigate a website by selecting the area they want to go to from a select box. The script is written in both JavaScript and Perl/CGI. Normally the script redirects site visitors from one page to the other by using JavaScript, however,...

MouseOver show New Content

This JavaScript example shows how to create a &"dynamic&" updated field on the page. The updated field happens to be a table in this example, and the background is shown to show you it''s entire field. Netscape requires that th...

A Game Of BattleShip

This is a JavaScript version of the classic game of Battle Ship. Play and see if you can win.

Update Two Frames

This script will update two frames from one link. If the browser doesn''t support javascript the link will still load but without the extra frame being updated.


With RSI-Mon, you will no longer have any excuse for skipping your micropauses. RSI-Mon changes colour every 15 minutes to remind you to take a short micropause. Every hour it will change to a third colour to remind you to have a 15 minute break. It ...


This JavaScript library provides encryption for Web pages using simple, text-oriented method called column transposition. The idea is to write the plain text in block on the row-first bases. The text is then read column-first. The trick is in that th...

Accessing and validating forms using Javascript

If you''re new to using JavaScript to access forms, this is the tutorial to read. You''ll not only learn how to access forms, but validate them as well.

DHTML Calculator

This is a DHTML calculator with error checking. Definitely more stylish than the traditional JavaScript calculator, if nothing else.

Java Floater

This is a JavaScript which will place a floating image in the bottom corner of a web browser. If you''ve visted sites on GeoCities lately you''ve probably seen the floating logo they have in the bottom corner, this script does the same kind...

Frame Buster

This is a little JavaScript that allows users to bust out of a frame if your page is trapped within a frame.
