Tags → Xml Code

Using XML Database for Users

This code basically shows how to implement a simple XML database to validate user logins. The passwords normally have to be encrypted, we left it so for simplicity

Ultrid UI prototyper with script functionalities

Ultrid is a flexible and powerful technology that simplifies the development process of desktop applications prototypes by effectively separating the User Interface code from the logic of the program. Ultrid''s new technology is based on the pow...

XML Powered FLV Video and MP3 Audio Player

This XML Powered Flash External Progressive FLV Video and MP3 Audio Player includes the Flash version checker to insure a smooth user experience for users that do not have the latest Flash Player. The included source code in .FLA file format ca...

Tito Web Studio

Tito Web Studio is a feature rich and extremely effective JavaScript Debugger and JavaScript Profiler. This enterprise grade software will help QA analysts and web developers debug and profile JavaScript related web projects. Tito Web Studio''s...


This is a simple function used to encode text and attribute values before adding them to your XML documents. This code can always be extended to handle maore special characters

RSS XML Content Feed VBScript Class

This VBScript class reduces the amount of code needed to display RSS. Provides object-based properties, collections and methods to simplify the retrieval and display of all kinds of RSS. Cache improves efficiency by saving results to temporary cache ...

Active Tree

Active Tree is a powerful TreeView component that allow you to build your tree based navigation or selection system. Advanced Databinding will let you populate the tree in few line of codes. Our unique Visual Studio.NET control editor (property build...

Internal Site Search Engine

The Search Engine module will search an entire page also dynamic pages for matching keyword(s) or a phrase and will count how many times the keyword(s) or phrase are found on the page, and display the results with the highest matches first. The modul...


The real magic of saturnCMS is the great framework it delivers to programmers. Empowering developers to create great user experience. Websites should be dynamic always up to the minute and eye catching experience, with SaturnCMS your website can beco...

Alchemist Code Generator

Alchemist is a XML Development Environment and code generator for building software applications based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML) technologies FROM dynamic DATA resources. Building applications every day more open capable interoperabili...
